Welp, I know what I’m gonna be hunting for for the next three years.

I’ve always been interested with Official and Licensed PlayStation accessories, specifically in the 7th Generation. Just these types of accessories that are practically useless I adore. There was a justification with the PSOne LCD since it was something that was revolutionary for portable play at the time. During the time of the PS3 Slim, a lot of people were rocking on PSP’s, and I doubt those people would want to sack this thing around. At least the PSOne with the LCD was pretty compact, even during the time or heck even now.
Another fun and stupid accessory I love and really want to get but can’t since I cannot for the life of me find a listing for it that can ship to me with ease is
Duracell PlayStation 3 Slim Extender
. It gives you extra USB ports and even has a little charging station for two DualShock 3 Controllers. The thing is, is that out of all companies to make it, it was Duracell. I also love how the design blends in and doesn’t look out of place when connected to the PS3 Slim. It’s a cool and pretty practical accessory, it’s just like I said, it was made by Duracell out of all companies.
Basically. I dig these types of accessories. (Cough, Cough, Sega Genesis Speakers)
If you want the enhanced edition with an HDMI port they seem to be readily available on eBay, albeit for ~300-400$ from Japan >> eBay search link
I felt three years get added to my life span. Thank you.
Beautiful, just beautiful <3