Sega Saturn Kama Console
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Sega Saturn Kama Console
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Amount Produced Estimate |
Between 1k - 5k
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Limited Edition |
Color | Red, Black |
Is Bundle |
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- Late in the life cycle of the Sega Saturn, Kama Entertainment (카마 엔터테인먼트) struck a deal with Sega to distribute the model 2 Sega Saturn in South Korea after Samsung ceased production of the Samsung Saturn. The Kama Saturn is estimated to have hit the South Korean market in September 1997.
- The motherboard is VA13 with Japanese bios v1.01 and the region code set to 1 for Japan.
- Unlike the Samsung Saturn which has a 110-220V power supply, the Kama Saturn power supply only supports 220V.
- The Kama Saturn has regular Sega branding on its shell. The shell sports the Japanese Sega Saturn logo with a unique touch of red.
- It came paired with a very simplistic black Sega branded model 2 controller with the "SEGA" logo written in the style of the Japanese controllers. This controller is unique to the Kama Saturn bundle.
- The bottom of the unit has a holographic Kama Entertainment sticker.
Looke like no one commented on about how this Kama Saturn came about. After Samsung discontinued their Samsung Saturn which was based on the model 1 Saturn, another small company called Kama Entertaintment released the model 2 Saturn into the Korean market. It used the NA Saturn shell but with JP BIOS, hence why it looked distintively different.
There's no known figure how many of Kama Saturn consoles were sold. However, years later after Kama Entertainment went away someone allegedly found a warehouse full of unsoled Kama Saturn and those were quickly sold to the collectors. (Well this part is just the rumour I heard about so take with a grain of salt.)