Nintendo Switch 2 Console
Collectible information

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Nintendo Switch 2 Console
Collectible information
Rarity Score
Very Common
User Score
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Additional details
Releases |
Release Type |
Amount Produced Estimate |
More than 1 million
Region Code |
Region Free
Limited Edition |
Color | Black |
Is Bundle |
Additional Info
- The Nintendo Switch 2
- Announced on the 16.01.2025
- More info at the Nintendo Direct presentation
on April 2nd, 2025.
Can't wait for this!
Same! That Mario Kart looks soo goood
One person owns this item, which is hilariously funny to me.
It's fake, the account that claims to own it has nothing else on their page. But also the fact you can still put this in your collection before it's even released is pretty funny.
True, but the likelihood of one of maybe 10 people at most who have ever even seen the Nintendo Switch 2 in person, whichever one of them actually owns it also happened to join consolevariations strictly to add a Switch 2 to their profile and nothing else is pretty slim.