Atari 2900 Prototype Console
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Atari 2900 Prototype Console
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Release Type |
Amount Produced Estimate |
Between 1 - 50
Region Code |
Region Free
Limited Edition | ? |
Color | Black, Red, White |
Is Bundle | ? |
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- The Atari 2900 is a true oddity in itself, never has any Atari document, engineering log, magazine article or word-of-mouth ever mentioned such a console.
- Almost nothing is known about the console or its characteristics other then the basic mechanical features such as a clear plexiglass storage area for its controllers, 4 standard Atari 9-pin joystick ports, front power switch and what appears to be some sort of additional cartridge port or expansion port in the front right side of the console
- These photo's were graciously donated to the Atari Historical Society by former Atari Industrial designer William Renteria.
Obscure find! Very cool.